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Veikborda dēlis Armada 127, 134, 137, 138, 142, 145


Cena:  pēc pieprasījuma


Preces cena norādīta ar PVN

Veikborda dēlis Armada  127, 134, 137, 138, 142, 145

The Armada is the perfect board for the female freestyler! This performance driven board has a single concave, shallow channels and slider fins for a playful wakeboard which can still be used for some aggressive turns. But that"s not all! A hybrid rocker shape makes for a board with speed that still has a solid pop of the wake. The full wood core is made to pack a serious punch and when you combine this with our thicker ABS sidewall and H.I.T. base, you"re sure to make a lasting impression out on the water!

Full wood durable core

ABS protecting sidewalls

High press fiberglass molded

Flex construction

Hybrid rocker

High impact base material

4 removable nylon plastic fins

Shallow grooved channels for traction and control

Triaxial fiber layup

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